Flexible Benefits Program

It is a system wherein each employee may reshape his/her benefits according to his/her own personal needs and requirements.

Employees may within their own personal budget make such choices as private health insurance, multi-purpose shopping cheque, restaurant card, fuel card, holiday cheque, technology market shopping card, sports hall membership and internet shopping for themselves and their families. New choices of benefits are added to and developed for the system every year.

Private Health Insurance

A private health insurance choice is offered by our Company to all our employees with a coverage which may be expanded by the employee for his/her spouse and children.

Flexible Working Hours

Flexible working hours are applied in all of our campuses in Ankara and Istanbul.

Bus Services

We are offering bus services for access to all required points in Ankara and Istanbul. We also have a separate bus service for our personnel attending MBA program or English courses after working hours.

Dining Hall

Our dining halls are offering menus prepared under supervision of dieticians.  Diversified alternatives addressed to all employees with such diversities as diet bar and salad bar are offered.


Workplace Health and Safety Unit

With full-time Job Safety Specialists, Workplace Doctor and Workplace Nurse, health and safety services are offered to and accessible by all employees for their needs and requirements in connection therewith.


Personnel Support Unit

We have a Workplace Psychologist accessible by all employees at any time they wish and need in order to help them in enhancing and upgrading their life quality and in resolving their problems that may affect their lives, behaviours or performances at job.

Nutrition and Diet Specialist

We have a Dietician accessible by all employees two days a week in order to give support to them in healthy and balanced nutrition.

Nursery Support

For children of our female employees going to nurseries, an allowance equal to 1/3rd of minimum wage is provided.