Cooperation in Training

Academic-Industrial Collaborations


HAVELSAN intends to offer more technological instruments through Academic-Industrial Collaborations (AIC). To this end, the main function of the Division of Academic-Industrial Collaborations is to coordinate efforts and relations to refer project ideas or existing R&D projects to universities, inform academics of project requirements, and turn them into projects. This is intended to both increase the number of collaborations and maximize the capabilities generated through such collaborations. To this effect, actions are taken to increase the number of collaborations with academics, run more joint projects in research centers and laboratories, and play a larger role in domestic/international projects, and the teams are guided to provide more efficient outputs as a result. In addition, notifications and effective communication help inform more corporate staff members, universities, and research institutes of this service.


It is also intended to establish sustainable collaborations with academics based on trust to be able to offer the aforementioned technological and social benefits. HAVELSAN has exerted efforts for years to develop academic-industrial collaborations.

Technical meetings have been held with specialized academics to involve more of them in HAVELSAN projects through a more effective and result-oriented means of communication with the Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) of the universities. Such efforts have helped HAVELSAN's technical teams and academics gain insight into one another from the perspective of capabilities, correlate the potential patents of TTOs with the needs of HAVELSAN, and attract more collaborations/project proposals from universities based on effective communication and active AICs. Both parties intend to improve the relations and involve universities in more projects.

Contact details for Academic-Industrial Collaborations:






Event of Academic Days


Seminars entitled Academic Days are organized with academics from various universities in Turkey in an effort to promote Academic-Industrial collaborations and pave the way for staff members to engage in HAVELSAN's operations along with academics, help them keep up with academic developments, and diversify projects based on a scientific perspective.







Contribution to Vocational Training


Under the cooperation with the Directorate General of Vocational and Technical Training of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), theoretical and applied training courses have been delivered for vocational and technical training IT facilitators to introduce new, domestic, and national technologies, and help them provide next generations with insight into existing technologies as they raise human resources.


The students of the Research, Development, Training, and Application Center (ARGEM) High Schools and the Scientific and Artistic Training Centers (BILSEM) are provided with numerous courses by a group of facilitators who serve as engineers of HAVELSAN, and a Junior Hackathon is organized by the end of the training courses.

Through the programmes that help raise labor force for HAVELSAN's operations along with the universities, collaborations are forged to provide a laboratory environment and hold joint training programmes to introduce the latest trends of defense and IT services to students.  Additionally, HAVELSAN staff members, who pursue academic studies, deliver undergraduate and postgraduate courses based on their expertise, provide college students with know-how and experience, and offer mentorship.






A total of 22 domestic and international career fairs were attended in 2020 to attract new graduates and young professionals for HAVELSAN, and boost their technical and social capabilities. Online Career Summits were held on HAVELSAN's YouTube channel and attended by the members of college student societies and HAVELSAN's experts, offering an alternative to face-to-face career fairs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to boost the recognition of the company as an employer. The following themes were addressed as a part of the fairs:


- Entrepreneurship, Product Management and Career, June 4, 2020

- Robotic and Autonomous Systems, June 18, 2020

- Modeling and Sensor Technologies, July 2, 2020

- 5G and Next-Generation Technologies, July 16, 2020

- Simulation Technologies, July 23, 2020


Our technical and administrative staff members have attended 16 online career events in 2021 to meet students and maintained collaborations with them.


Some technical visits are paid to help potential engineers gain insight into the professional life, observe HAVELSAN's operations on site, meet our leading engineers, and draw on their experience. The visits include a briefing on an overall presentation about HAVELSAN, Human Resources activities, Recruitment and Internship, and a trip across the campus and to the simulators.


We recruit young potentials with the prospect of development as part of our internship programme to take HAVELSAN one step closer to the future. 500 students out of 1538 who lodged an application in our company to serve as an intern in summer 2020 were recruited for internship. The students were provided with online internship in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.


As a part of long-term internship, we have entered into a Joint Training and On-the-Job Training Protocol with 14 universities, and a Goodwill Protocol with 3 universities. We provided 130 students with internship in 2020 under the aforementioned protocols.