As an ICT and Defense company, HAVELSAN:
Takes care of making sure that all of its business activities and operations are carried out in an ethical, fair, objective and impartial manner, in strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries it is operating, and in conformity to the universal human rights principles. This requires each of its employees to show utmost care not to impair or besmirch the reputation of HAVELSAN in all of their acts and behaviours everywhere.
  • Refrain from being involved in any relationships, interests, activities, events or initiatives that may negatively affect the interests of our Country and our Company in the course of performance of their job duties and responsibilities;
  • Absolutely abide by the universal business ethics principles and codes of practice and HAVELSAN values and high codes of conduct in all our business processes and relations in tandem with our strategical goals;
  • Act consistently, fairly and honestly to all interacting groups having a relation with our Company;
  • Never use for their personal interests either their corporate identity or any information or data acquired in the Company;
  • Pay attention to confidentiality of the Company data and information, and strictly comply with the information security principles;
  • Don’t ever tend to use any personal data coming to their knowledge via information technologies in such manner to violate the privacy of individuals;
  • Comply with both the laws of our country and other countries we are doing business, and the current procedures and rules of all corporations/organizations having relations and interactions with HAVELSAN;
  • See and treat the financial, physical and human resources of the Company as a national resource consigned and entrusted to them, and accordingly, take heed of effective and efficient use of them;
  • Show respect to, and never violate, the personal and institutional intellectual property rights of all and any kinds;
  • Pay utmost attention to protection of natural environment in all of their activities and operations;
  • Expect and request all individuals/corporations and organizations having relations and interactions with them to act and behave in compliance with ethical values and principles of HAVELSAN as well;
  • Each employee is personally held liable to learn our business ethics process and to get any help or assistance whenever needed in connection therewith;
  • All and any behaviours, acts or relations believed to be unethical are required to be reported to our ethics line;
  • In HAVELSAN, a breach of ethical principles will in no event be tolerated, and the required actions will in all aspects be taken and pursued.

Important note: As per HAVELSAN’s corporate values and ethical principles, no gift is accepted due to New Year, feasts, etc. days or celebrations whatever they are. And all kinds of gifts that may be given at any time beyond these special days are subject to a maximum value limit of one hundred Turkish Liras.