Our Approach

In HAVELSAN, the formation and maintenance of an institutional R&D culture is attached great importance, and our Innovation policy supports the increase of competitive power of both our country and HAVELSAN through development of technology at global level with strategic goals and objectives.

And naturally, results of successful and strategic R&D and innovation works have their reflections on HAVELSAN’s corporate R&D values, With more than 70 R&D projects (around 40 of them being funded by shareholders’ equity) conducted in a total of 4 separate R&D Centres, 3 of them in Ankara and one in Istanbul, with approximately 1,250 R&D personnel and with a total R&D investment of more than 450 M TL, we have so far reached the highest R&D expenditures level of our corporate history.

In 2018, in a ranking made by the Ministry of Industry and Technology among R&D Centres, our R&D Centre was located the 25th among 296 R&D Centres. In the ranking by size (R&D personnel number > 250), it was ranked the 11th among 26 R&D Centres. Also in the same group, it was ranked the 7th according to number of R&D personnel, and the 12th according to amount of R&D expenses.

We have some ongoing works and projects in University – Industries Cooperation and Technology Management areas for further development of technology cooperation, strengthening of ecosystem, and effective use of technologies developed / acquired in HAVELSAN organization for the sake of continuation of this success increasingly. Our cooperation projects with more than 30 universities are still ongoing in this aspect. In addition to all, the studies on product development and commercialization are continuing in line with the “Productization” initiatives, which has become an important aspect in HAVELSAN with the whole world in recent years.

Parallel to all these processes, during the recent three years, total number of our national and international patent applications has significantly increased in line with the efforts for patenting of the newly developed products and ideas and for protection of all of our Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights.

Share of 2019 R&D investments in turnover
R&D projects done
University-Industry Cooperation
Near R&D Staff (64% of all staff)