This “Clarification Text”,  in accordance with the law no. 6698  on Personal Data Protection (“KVKK”), HAVELSAN Hava Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (“HAVELSAN”) as the data controller, has been prepared for the purpose of informing you about the collection methods, processing, the use, transfer, and the destruction of your personal data within the framework of the 10th article of KVKK titled 'The Liability of Data Responsible' and the 11th article titled 'Rights of the Related Person'.

Objectives of Processing Personal Data

Your personal data, verbal, in writing or in electronic environment, within the framework of Articles 4, 5 and 6 of KVKK;

  • Conducting our Human Resources processes and activities within the legal framework determined,
  • Planning, audit and the execution of information security processes
  • Organizing and managing the information technologies infrastructure,
  • Follow-up of financial and / or accounting affairs,
  • Contract management, establishment of legal transactions and follow-up of legal processes,
  • Providing security for the facility and personnel,
  • Benefiting from preventive and curative health services as company personnel,
  • Performing efficiency and / or on-site analyzes of our commercial activities, planning and / or execution of these activities,
  • Determination and application of commercial and business strategies
  • Execution of HAVELSAN’s contractual and legal obligations fully and properly,
  • The suggestions, requests, complaints and failure reports you may convey us through our website will be processed for the purpose of evaluating, responding and making improvements in accordance with the notifications.

Scope of Personal Data

As HAVELSAN; the Data Controller, within the framework of our legal obligations through first and foremost the Turkish Commercial Code numbered 6102, KVKK, the Labor Law numbered 4857, the Law of Obligations numbered 6098, the Turkish Criminal Law numbered 5237, the Law on the Arrangement of Publications made in the Internet Environment No. 5651 and the Law on Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications and other relevant Legislations and Regulations, in order to benefit from our activities, in case of sharing personal data with us (name-surname, address, profession, education, marital status, date and place of birth, resume, e-mail, phone number, Gender, license plate, location data opened at the entrance to the website, IP address and on-campus camera recordings) by automatic or non-automatic methods and entering into our website, in accordance with the Law No. 5201 on the Control of Warfare Vehicles and Equipment and Industrial Organizations that produce Weapons, Ammunition and Explosives, and in accordance with the Defense Industry Security Directive of MSY 317-2 C, based on your explicit consent or with the relevant legislation listed above, will be able to obtain personal data, save it, store it, update it in order to continue its services, rearrange it, transfer it to third parties in the country or abroad, as permitted by the legislation, and process it by taking necessary administrative and technical measures in other ways as permitted by law.

These personal data; on the basis of your explicit consent or explicitly prescribed by law, required for the establishment or performance of the contract, required to fulfill the legal obligation or requires legitimate interest, through this Clarification Text of Havelsan on Protection of Personal Data, all necessary information security measures can also be processed, provided that they are not used outside the stated purposes and scope; they will be kept for the duration of legal retention or as required by the purpose of processing, and will continue to be anonymized and used by our Company at the end of the time required by the purpose of processing, or it will be destroyed in accordance with KVKK and the relevant legislation.

As per KVKK, personal data by HAVELSAN

  • In accordance with the law and honesty rule,
  • Corret and updated if necessary
  • For specific, clear and legitimate purposes,
  • In connection with the purpose for which they are processed, limited and restrained,
  • The period foreseen in the relevant legislation or the time required for the purpose of which they are processed.

and necessary inspections are carried out for this purpose. As HAVELSAN, we show the greatest sensitivity to the security of your personal data and take all necessary technical, administrative and legal measures to protect your personal data.

Sharing Personal Data with Third Parties

Our company may only share your personal data to other relevant individuals and institutions on the basis of the security and confidentiality principles specified in the KVKK, due to the explicit consent of the persons or explicitly foreseen in the laws, especially the legislation to which we are subject, required for the establishment or execution of the contract, required by the legal obligation or required by the legitimate interest and In order to carry out the Company's activities, our direct / indirect / domestic / foreign subsidiaries, legal and real persons, suppliers, subcontractors, business partners, shareholders, law, financial and tax consultants, auditors, audit companies or legally required by this data will be transferred to the public institutions or organizations authorized to request and other relevant persons or institutions within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK.

Your Rights Under the Law of Personal Data Protection
Without prejudice to the conditions stipulated in article 28 of the KVKK titled “Exceptions”, as per the 11th article of the KVKK, as the personal data holders you have the following rights;

  • To learn whether your personal data is processed,
  • To request information if your personal data has been processed,
  • To learn the purpose of using your personal data and whether they have been used in accordance with its purpose
  • To know the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred domestically or overseas,
  • To request correction if your personal data is missing or incorrectly processed,
  • To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK,
  • To request the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred to be notified of the transactions made in accordance with the articles (e) and (f) above,
  • To object to the emergence of a result against you due to the analysis of personal data exclusively with automated systems,
  • To request the removal of the damage if you suffer damage due to illegal processing of personal data

In order to exercise your rights it is important that the information / data you share with HAVELSAN is correct and transferred to HAVELSAN correctly. Responsibility arising from giving false or incorrect information belongs to the party transmitting the information / data to HAVELSAN.

In this context, your requests may be submitted in writing or within the scope of KVKK, by using the registered e-mail address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or by using the e-mail address previously registered to HAVELSAN by you. For this, name-surname, signature, identity number, place of residence or business address, e-mail address, telephone or fax number, if any, and your explanations regarding your right to use and with an application form provided by our Company on our website (, you can personally apply to Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi 2120 Cad. No: 39 P.K.:06510 Çankaya-ANKARA, send your application through a notary, or send an e-mail to