EQUALS-EU is an international project that includes 19 organizations from 15 countries in the world. It aims to increase gender equity by empowering women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics through capacity building for innovation and leadership and developing gender-inclusive innovation ecosystems in local communities and cities in Europe and in non-European countries in the Global North and South. The project is coordinated by Oslo Metropolitan University from Norway. Two Turksih organisations participate in the project consortium: HAVELSAN and Middle East Technical University (METU). The project is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. This is the first project supported by Horizon that HAVELSAN participates in.


Project Purposes:


  • Conducting interdisciplinary, intersectoral, innovation camps and hackathons with a special focus on digital inclusion and sustainable gender equality practices.
  • Running online and face-to-face mentoring, training and lifelong learning programs and courses by successful social entrepreneurs and experts
  • Renovate and implement gender-based policy and business development tools together with stakeholders in the public, private and civil society sectors
  • Increasing entrepreneurial competences through international academic cooperation, including joint international summer schools, digital learning material and the development of tools to promote research collaboration, student mobility and work placements.
  • Inspiring the next generation of innovators by raising new group leaders, role models and advocates for gender equality in social innovation and entrepreneurship

With this project, HAVELSAN serves to the followings;

  • Articles 3, 4 and 7 of the Policy Principles for Increasing the Participation of Women Researchers published by TUBITAK on 12.2019
  • To be able to improve the policies for women researchers within the company with the experiences to be gained within the scope of this project.
  • Articles 3, 4 and 5 of the Strategies of the Women's Empowerment and Strategy Document and Action Plan published by the Ministry of Family and Social Policies

Project start and end date: 01.01.2021 – 30.12.2023

HAVELSAN Yıldız Open Innovation Center, the first open innovation center of the Defense Industry in Turkey, was established in 2017 and ensures sustainable growth and prosperity by developing and disseminating new technologies, processes and products.

Within the scope of this project carried out at HAVELSAN Yıldız Open Innovation Center by the Innovation Management Team Leadership at HAVELSAN, an innovation camp will be organized in which effective female leaders in the field of innovation assume the roles of educators and mentors. The innovation camp will allow exchange of ideas between mentors and participants. Announcements of the innovation camp and applications will be made on the HAVELSAN Yıldız Open Innovation Center website.

HAVELSAN Yıldız Open Innovation Center
