Recruitment Criteria

Exams to be applied on candidates applying for a job in HAVELSAN, and minimum cut-off score thereof, are tabulated hereinbelow.


(Numerical Score Type)
(Quantitative Score Type)
University Graduates/
Candidate Engineers
> 80 > 75* > 157 > 550 > 79 > 75   > 15
Associate’s Degree Holders (Technicians)   > 70**       > 60 > 75 > 15
Vocational High School Graduates (Operators)   > 65***       > 60 > 75 > 15
Elementary Education Graduates               > 15

ALES = Academic Personnel & Graduate Education Exam
KPSS = Public Personnel Selection Exam
GRE = Graduate Record Examinations
GMAT = Graduate Management Admission Test
TOEFL = The Test of English as a Foreign Language
YDS = Foreign Language Exam

NOTE: Exam results are valid for a maximum time of 4 (four) years. Technical specialty exam results are not sought for veteran and handicapped candidates, only interview and Pre-employment Personality Test results are taken into consideration.

*Candidates assessed for Technical Department will be assessed over KPSSP1 score type, while candidates assessed for Administrative Department will be assessed over KPSSP3 score type.

**Associate’s Degree Holders will be assessed over KPSS93 score type.

***Secondary education (high school) graduates will be assessed over KPSS94 score type.

Technical Specialty Exams

For Master’s Degree Holders (Full-time and Stakeholder Engineers)

Technical Specialty Exam results are not sought for.

For Bachelor’s Degree Holders

  • For candidates having a similar job experience of at least 3 (three) years, Technical Specialty Exam results are not sought for. Success grade determined as a result of Technical Interview is taken into consideration.
  • For candidates not having a similar job experience of at least 3 (three) years, one of the following criteria is absolutely required to be met:
  • If Graduation Grade + (10,000 / Rank in University Admission Exam) is ≥ 3.00, Technical Specialty Exam results are not sought for.  Success grade determined as a result of Technical Interview is taken into consideration.
  • If Graduation Grade + (10,000 / Rank in University Admission Exam) is < 3.00, Technical Specialty Exam results are sought for (in conformity to the criteria set down in the table given hereinabove) and are taken into consideration with the result of Technical Interview.

For Candidate Engineers / Candidate Specialists:

  • If cumulative grade point average (CGPA) + (10,000 / Rank in University Admission Exam) is ≥ 3.00, Technical Specialty Exam results are not sought for.  Success grade determined as a result of Technical Interview is taken into consideration.
  • If cumulative grade point average (CGPA) + (10,000 / Rank in University Admission Exam) is < 3.00, Technical Specialty Exam results are sought for (in conformity to the criteria set down in the table given hereinabove) and are taken into consideration with the result of Technical Interview.

For Associate’s Degree Holders and High School Graduates:

  • For candidates having a similar job experience of at least 3 (three) years, Technical Specialty Exam results are not sought for. Success grade determined as a result of Technical Interview is taken into consideration.
  • For candidates not having a similar job experience of at least 3 (three) years:
  • Technical Specialty Exam results are sought for (in conformity to the criteria set down in the table given hereinabove) and are taken into consideration with the result of Technical Interview.


Foreign Language Exams:

If foreign language is not a necessity within the scope of job definition, foreign language exam result certificate is not sought for from the candidates.

If foreign language is a necessity within the scope of job definition:

  • A foreign language exam result certificate is not sought for from the candidates who are graduated from divisions of universities applying a foreign language immersion programme in all courses.
  • For candidates having a past job experience of 3 (three) years or more and declaring that they have foreign language knowledge at the level desired and sought for the targeted job position, again, a foreign language exam result certificate is not sought for, providing that the highest echelon manager supervising the candidate confirms that the candidate’s foreign language proficiency is at the desired level, and gives a written approval verifying that “the candidate’s foreign language level is adequate”.