HAVELSAN Academy knows that one of the main tools of members of HAVELSAN for progress in their job careers is the trainings they receive, and contributes to the conversion of their potential into performance.
Training activities are organized and held in the form of distance education, classroom training, on-the-job training and mixed form of training.

Members of HAVELSAN:

  • May participate Leadership Academy, Program Management Academy, Between Us Seminars, Co-development Seminars and many other vocational training programs managed by Internal and External Trainers; and
  • May take part in certification programmes and domestic and foreign trainings/conferences/symposiums contributing to their professional development, and may thus put their signature under projects shedding a light on the future; and
  • May be enrolled in MBA Program and foreign language courses opened in HAVELSAN campuses outside working hours, thereby speeding up their academic and language learning processes; and
  • May make use of an unlimited number of distance learning and training opportunities through Udemy for Business cooperation.

HAVELSAN Academy is further contributing to the development of Turkey with its training social responsibility projects.