Product Features
    • Meeting basic and advanced training needs of air traffic controller candidates
    • Preparing controllers for emergencies
    • Square, meteorology and simulating different times during the day
    • Creating a script under instructor control
    • Providing training in a repeatable and safe environment
    • Ability to perform 3D Tower Control, Approach Radar, Road Control Radar, Pilot Role Player, Voice Communication Simulations and Scenario Development activities
    • Ability to expand to the desired scale
    • Ability to provide horizontal view up to 360 ° of Tower Control environment
    • Realistic binocular simulation
    • Runway, taxiway, square lighting
    • Explosion, fire and smoke effects

Air Traffic Controllers are the profession group that manages all stages of the aircraft's flights from one point to another point. Wrong decisions that Air Traffic Controllers can make under variable conditions jeopardizes the aircraft, and more importantly the lives of the passengers and crew. To minimize the chance of making wrong decisions, controllers need to receive a comprehensive training that includes all kinds of situations in a safe environment before they start their mission.

Air Traffic Control Training Simulator atcTRsim developed for controllers to be prepared for all kinds of situations. AtcTRsim, which offers the most realistic training in all conditions and airspace; With its reliable, scalable and configurable structure, it is ready to train Air Traffic Controllers of all levels all over the world.

HAVELSAN atcTRsim is a complete simulator that meets all levels of training from beginner to expert level. HAVELSAN atcTRsim; It consists of 4 main components: tower control simulator, radar simulator, pilot role simulator and exercise station.

Tower Control Simulator

The simulator provides tower training for the terminal area created with a high level of realism. The Tower Control Simulator can be used with high-end projection systems that include low-cost LCD screens, flat or curved screens. With its open architecture, the requested airport and 3D objects can be added to the system in a standard way.

    • Support 360 ° airport screenshots
    • 3D airports, land and aircraft
    • Visualization of day and night transitions
    • Aircraft and ground vehicle animations
    • Binocular view
    • Explosion, smoke, fire effects
    • Bird flight view
    • Thunder, sounds inside the airport
    • Changing weather conditions
    • Realistic terrain visualization
    • Emergency scenarios
    • Airport lighting for terminal area with Lighting Control Station
    • Surveillance screen showing the locations and IDs of all aircraft and vehicles at the airport

Pilot Role Simulator

Pilot Role Simulator provides control of aircraft and land vehicles with its user-friendly interface. It is integrated into the atcTRsim system to control the movement of aircraft and land vehicles.

    • User friendly interface
    • Automatic and manual control and directing of aircraft
    • Dynamic electronic strips
    • Speech bubble message, warning and information system
    • Traffic transfer functions
    • SNET and emergency alerts: STCA, APW, MSAW, HIJ, RCF, EMG
    • Selectable digital maps: airlines, air corridors, NAVAIDs, MRVAs, procedures
    • Tower, Approach and Navigation clearances
    • Different color coding for controlled aircraft
    • Integrated flight plan information
    • Creating and repositioning live objects

Radar Simulator

Radar Simulator provides integrated solutions that support air traffic controller for critical operations. It enables the candidates to learn and practice effectively. With the advanced controller environment, controllers always have full situational awareness.

    • Field control, approach control, ground control, precise approach control
    • Advanced ground control and guidance system (A-SMGCS)
    • Simulation of various types of surveillance data (PSR, SSR, MSSR, MLAT, ADS-B)
    • Integrated multiple tracking, by-pass, SSR, PSR, Combined Mode-S radar surveillance system
    • Quick access to traffic related information with tags
    • Industry boundaries, Airline and air corridors, NAVAIDs etc. including selectable digital map layers
    • User authentication check
    • Using Security Network Functions
    • Measuring tools
    • Selective drawing screen
    • Integrated with VCS, Info Screen and Strip Printer
    • Powerful, graphical, menu driven user friendly HMI
    • Radar-like full traffic screen
    • Single or multiple positions in multiple airspace sector management
    • Unusual situations and emergency information

Exercise Preparation Station

Exercise Preparation Station allows to design an airspace from scratch or import an existing airspace data from the databases such as ARINC or AIXM from the standard. It allows fast and easy design of all components of an airport with satellite images. It also allows to define radars and features in a standard and user-friendly way and produce scenarios suitable for all training levels.

    • Parametric automatic scenario creation
    • Navigation aid identification and regulation
    • Define and regulate all aspects of the airport
    • Define antenna layouts and radar coverage
    • Scenario preview utility
    • Use of ARINC-based IFR compliant standard procedures
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