Product Features
    • Fast reaction time against guided missile
    • High level of combat system automation
    • Centralized command and control capability
    • Situational awareness and decision support
    • Increased durability and high reliability
    • Ability to train on board

GENESIS Combat Management System (CMS) Development Project is launched to modernize of CMS of The G-Class frigates. With GENESIS, necessary harmonization units have been designed and developed for the integration of platforms, weapons, sensors and electronic systems and platform data into GENESIS CMS. As an integrated system, the discovery, surveillance, detection, tracking and classification operations are carried out with fully automated methods with the sensors on the platform. Integrated Multiple Data Link Capability has been gained with the aim of transferring the tactical image to friendly troops.

GENESIS is a preferred CMS in all types of ship modernization and new shipbuilding projects. It can adapt to different platforms.

HAVELSAN completed and delivered eight G-Class Frigates' Software / Hardware modernization with its advance technologies. HAVELSAN is highly competent on developing and producing, installation and integration, maintenance and sustainability of GENESIS CMS.

Capabilities brought to G-CLASS FRIGATE
  • CMS that meets all the operational filed needs
  • Situational awareness and decision support
  • Distributed system providing high durability with Open Architecture,
  • Network Supported Operational Ability
  • New Weapon and Sensor Integrations:
  • - Mk41 VLS Vertical Launcher
  • - 3-Dimensional Search Radar (Smart-S Mk-2)
  • - Mk-54 Torpedo firing ability
  • - Multiple Link (Link-11, Link-16)

HAVELSAN took the responsibility of adapting GENESIS / ADVENT CMS to MILGEM (Submarine Defense and Reconnaissance Patrol Ship Program of Turkish Navy). It has brought CMS capabilities such as integration to combat management system, control of sensors and weapons, Track Management, Tactical Status Display, Navigation, Training and Simulation functions to MILGEM elements. 4 Corvettes delivered to the Turkish Navy in the scope of MILGEM program.

Capabilities brought to MILGEM
  • Advanced combat system automation
  • Central command control ability
  • Situational awareness and decision support
  • Greater durability and high reliability
  • Open architecture and fully distributed system
  • Network supported operational capability
  • Submarine / surface / air defense war
  • Discovery surveillance
  • Defense against asymmetric threats
  • Decision support capability
  • Navigation
  • Diagnosis, recognition
  • Multiple Link (L11, L16, L22, JRE-APP etc.)
  • Training and simulation

Two Amphibious Tank Landing Ships (LHD) built in the scope of contributing to the administrative and logistic functions of the Turkish Navy in war, to support international peace, to be an assistance of natural disasters (DAFYAR), to work on humanitarian activities and evacuation. HAVELSAN provided Ship Data Distribution System, Integrated Ship Information System and closed circuit TV system (CCTV) with integrated multi-tactical data link (L11, L16) and amphibious operational capability. As Combat Systems Integrator HAVELSAN also provided program management, system engineering, subcontractor management, combat systems integration design, configuration management, combat system integration and integrated logistics support services.

Capabilities brought to LHD
  • Advanced combat system automation
  • Central command control ability
  • Amphibious operational ability
  • Situational awareness and decision support
  • Greater durability and high reliability
  • Open architecture and fully distributed system
  • Submarine / Surface / air defense war
  • Discovery surveillance
  • Defense against asymmetric threats
  • Decision support capability
  • Navigation
  • Diagnosis, recognition
  • Link Multi-Link Capability with Link 11/16/22, SIMPLE, JREAP Link capability
  • Training and simulation