Network Supported Data Integrated Combat Management System
Product Features
    • Network Supported Ability
    • Joint Engagement Ability
    • Task Force Oriented Services
    • Training Capabilities
    • War Abilities
    • Fully Integrated TDL Functionality
    • Navigation and Operations Support
    • Integration into Platform Systems
    • Rule Based Decision Support System
    • Operational Skills

The warfare skills of warships has increased and the war techniques performed on the sea became more and more complex. This has become an indispensable need to fulfil critical functions on time. Warships used to have surface war ability but today a corvette or frigate can have all of the abilities such as surface, underwater, air defense and electronic warfare at the same time. With the development of new technologies, the Combat Management System (CMS) concept has emerged in order to provide command control coordination and decision support capability to the commanding officers.

ADVENT is a new generation command and control system that responds to the needs of a force-oriented, network-supported operational approach rather than a single ship. It is possible to access to tactical data links (Link 11, Link 16 and Link 22, SIMPLE, JREAP and VMF) functions fully integrated with ADVENT through all operator consoles. With its decision support systems ADVENT has an architecture that facilitates the speed and correct decision-making process of its user and provides flexible structure in the use of new weapons and sensors. It has been developed in a modular structure that fits in multi-task profiles and other platform types. ADVENT is a platform independent system. With its scalable open architecture structure; ADVENT can be adapt to surface, underwater and air platforms and land facilities.

ADVENT is a advanced CMS, which is more effective, open to technological developments, scalable, secure and network supported. Turkish Navy is trusting ADVENT to operate in harmony and confidence. ADVENT has become the indispensable Command Control System of the Turkish Navy.

ADVENT proved itself with the successful completion of TCG KINALIADA Naval Acceptance Tests, which is the 4th ship of ADA Class Corvettes. ADVENT will also be used as CMS in BURGAZADA, Marine Supply and Communication Support Ship TCG ANADOLU, Test and Training Ship, BURAK Class Corvette, Barbaros Class and I-Class Frigate platforms. Four new is in progress to deliver to Pakistan Navy.

ADVENT brings
  • Force oriented (Network Supported Ability, Force-wide threat assessment, engagement planning and execution etc.)
  • Dynamic registration of platform weapons and sensors to the network
  • Flexible Multiple Link Capability with L11, L16, L22, SIMPLE, JREAP Link capability
  • Effective tactical display features (3D, Digital / Analog TV and radar video display)
  • Comprehensive decision support functions
  • Force-wide EMCON, doctrine management
  • Comprehensive training and simulation system and architecture
  • Effective and comprehensive data recording / playback and analysis services
  • Improved diagnostic recognition capability
  • Navigation planning and execution, operations management
  • Non-war operations management and search rescue
  • Amphibious Operations Management
  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) Warfare

Submarine Defense and Reconnaissance Patrol National Ship (MILGEM) Program is one of the most important milestones of the Turkish military maritime history. Within this project, HAVELSAN took the responsibility of adapting GENESIS/ADVENT to MILGEM platforms. HAVELSAN brought CMS capabilities such as integration to combat management system, control of the sensors and the weapons, track management, tactical status display, navigation, training and simulation functions to MILGEM elements. In the scope of projects 4 Corvettes were delivered to the Turkish Navy.

Capabilities brought to MILGEM
  • Advanced combat system automation
  • Central command control ability
  • Situational awareness and decision support
  • Greater durability and high reliability
  • Open architecture and fully distributed system
  • Network supported operational capability
  • Submarine / surface / air defense war
  • Discovery surveillance
  • Defense against asymmetric threats
  • Decision support capability
  • Navigation
  • Diagnosis, recognition
  • Multiple Link (L11, L16, L22, JRE-APP etc.)
  • Training and simulation

In 2015 Defense Industry Directorate and SEDEF Gemi İnşaatı A.Ş. started to built The Multipurpose Amphibious Assault Ship, AAS to provide the needs of the Navy Command. Development and integration of Combat Systems needed for the AAS platform is carrying out under the responsibility of HAVELSAN-ASELSAN business partnership. In this context, HAVELSAN provides the development of Command Control Information System (C2IS) and integration of different forces' C2IS to support joint operations. It will be possible to perform to distribution of real-time ship information, establishment of NATO / National and The Internet ship information network.

Capabilities brought to LHD
  • Network Supported Data Integrated Combat Management System (ADVENT)
  • Situational awareness and decision support
  • Greater durability and high reliability
  • Open architecture and fully distributed system
  • SUH / HSH / DSH / EH (ET)
  • Amphibious operational ability
  • Kocatepe (MSYS), HvBS, BTS NATO TRITON integration
  • Decision support capability
  • Navigation
  • Diagnosis, recognition
  • Multiple Link (L11, L16, L22, JREAP-C, VMF)
  • Message Operating System (MIS)
  • Ship Information Distribution System (GVDS)
  • Ship Information System (GEBİS)
  • Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)
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